Monday, January 18, 2016

SoundCloud - Good:)

                                                             SoundCloud - Good

-> Great Content
-> Easy Navigation
-> User-Friendly
-> Simple yet Clean Design - Bad;(

                                                       - Bad

-> too much use of color
-> overcrowded with pictures
-> uneasy navigation
-> there isn't a lot of focus
-> the website can come off overwhelming

Hulu Plus - Good:)

                                                                  Hulu Plus - Good

-> Easy Search Navigation
-> Highly Functional 
-> Good Use of Graphics
-> Great Video Content
-> Good Use of Color

Team Bad;( -

                                                  - Bad Website

-> Outdated
-> Bad use of graphics
-> Unprofessional Font
-> Not a lot of content
-> Unappealing

Saturday, January 16, 2016

"Hacker News - Team Good:)"

I have recently have gotten into "Hacker News" and I am so glad that I did. The website is sectioned into multiple topics stemming from different sources. The website's responsiveness is impressive!, well, with the exception of the first post, I am sure that there was a reason for that. Although the aesthetics is left for wanting something more. Other than that that minor con, Hacker News is definitely a formidable website. The layout is simple at is best, which is a good quality, sometimes less is more, and clearly this website is the living example of this concept. In regards to the time that it takes for the website to upload to the next topic is pretty quick. The site also has pretty good graphics as well. Every entry that I clicked on seemed to have a good amount of quality pictures. The graphics are pretty good as well. The content for each entry were pretty in-depth and expansive on the topic's matter. Overall, I felt as thought that the website was very user-friendly. It wasn't hard for me to maneuver through the website at all, I did not struggle with finding anything. I also appreciated how functional this website came to be. I felt as though the website was very organized which in turn helped increased its functionality. All in all, I feel as though Hacker News is a great website for those who want to read up on stories or just simply educate oneself in the field of technology. The website's best features is its simplicity and its content, I have no doubt that Hacker News will become a website that I will visit often. Hacker News has just earned a new fan in me.